My website contains all the information necessary for booking. Please reach out only when you are ready to both screen and secure your date with a deposit.

Screening Requirements:

  • Photo of you holding your ID showing legal name, birth-date & expiration date

  • Photo of actual ID
    (You are welcome to block out your address)

  • Valid phone number

  • One piece of work information such as: LinkedIn, work badge, work email

As well as submitting a completed form, please email your ID and a photo of yourself holding your ID to, to begin the screening process.

At this time, I do not accept references as a valid screening. For my outgoing reference policy please visit my Etiquette page.

Please note, your discretion and privacy is of utmost importance to me. Once you are screened & verified on my VPN & encrypted device, all of your identifying information is securely deleted.

Non-Disclosure Agreements: I am happy to sign NDAs but please allow 24 hours for me to review the terms.